Talking Book Publishing with Kathleen & Adanna

Talking Book Publishing with Bruce Carlin

Kathleen Kaiser Season 2 Episode 11

This week's episode of Talking Book Publishing is a rare treat for us. It's never happened in the podcast's two seasons that we get to talk with an author on the release day of their book. Today our guest Bruce Carlin is the author of Undeterred: How One Determined Vietnamese Orphan Carved Out a Place for Himself in America. This novelistic biography is an immigrant story of resilience and determination. Bruce and Kathleen discuss his writing process, the book's subject, dive a little into the stock market, and how these pieces combine to tell a compelling once-in-a-lifetime story.

If you are listening in the first five days of this episode beginning July 14, 2022, Undeterred is on kindle for free, so download it, read it, and leave a review. Reviews help indie authors sell more books, getting them into the hands of readers that will appreciate the genre, author, and story.

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